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Boyne Valley Food Series

Line-up of Food Events for the Fourth Boyne Valley Food Series Announced

The schedule of festivals and food events for the fourth annual Boyne Valley Food Series programme was launched on the 23rd of March in Listoke Distillery & Gin School in Co Louth.

The jam-packed line-up for the 2017 series, which has a particular focus on family-friendly events, will run from April and throughout the summer until the end of the year.

Now in its fourth year, the Louth-Meath food and heritage festival is kicking off with a three-day Kid’s Easter Cooking Camp at chef Tara Walker’s East Coast Cookery School, Termonfeckin, Co Louth, running from the 18th until the 20th of April.

Boyne Valley Food Series

More family events include Solstice at the Henge at Dowth on the 17th of June, a family day of fun and educational activities celebrating heritage, farming, food, health and the environment.

The family friendly Úlla Festival is happening at the Sonairte National Ecology Centre at Laytown on the 21st of October and will feature an apple walk and tasting tour with children’s entertainment and crafts.

The Boyne Valley’s coastline is being celebrated with a day-long North-East Seafood Trail on the 3rd of May. The series features a second food trail on the 24th of June when the Meath Food Safari departs from the Conyngham Arms Hotel in Slane for a tour of top Boyne Valley food producers.

An addition to this year’s Boyne Valley Food Series is collaboration with other events and an example of this is the Great Irish Food Quiz, which is taking place at Maperath Farm, Kells, Co Meath, on the 6th of May.

Boyne Valley Food Series

New to this year’s line-up is the Muttonhead Butchery in Slane, which is running a Sunday morning event on the 4th of June titled The Cure – Curing & Butchery Workshop to pass on knowledge of the forgotten skill of curing. Kells Hinterland Festival (formerly the Hay Festival) is happening from the 22nd until the 25th of June and will feature a dedicated children’s food programme.

Finally, don’t miss special summer solstice events in June when the Boyne Valley becomes the focus of mid-summer celebrations.

You can find the full programme for Boyne Valley Food Series 2017 at

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