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vegan sausage rolls ais wallis sugarandshots

Cheesy Vegan Sausage Rolls by Ais Wallis from SugarAndShots

I’ve always said messy food is my favourite food and look how tasty they look in the end? These vegan cheesy sausage rolls are one of my favourite recipes to make, and they’re also super quick and easy to throw together!

This recipe is by Ais Wallis from Follow Ais on Instagram here.


  • 6 Plant based sausages
  • Roll out puff pastry
  • 1/2 cup Vegan cheese
  • 1 tsp Dried thyme
  • Caramelised onion relish
  • Olive oil & flakey salt


  1. Heat the oven to 200 C.
  2. Remove the vegan sausages from their casings, then mash and mix with the vegan cheese & thyme. Set aside.
  3. Cut the roll of puff pastry in half and take the first half and roll it out on the tray.
  4. Spread a tablespoon of onion relish on half the pastry, then add half the sausage mix.
  5. Fold over and seal the edges with a fork.
  6. Rub some olive oil over the top & pop into the oven for 15-18 minutes (depending how crispy you like them).
  7. Add some flakey salt on top and enjoy!
vegan sausage rolls ais wallis sugarandshots
Cheesy Vegan Sausage Rolls by Ais Wallis from SugarAndShots

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