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Pumpkin Quinoa Bowl Recipe by Jette Virdi

Watch: Pumpkin Quinoa Bowl Recipe by Jette Virdi

Try this easy Pumpkin Quinoa Bowl recipe for a fun and fresh take on one of our favourite seasonal vegetables: pumpkin. If you can’t find a pumpkin, a butternut squash works just as well and is just as delicious!

Serves 2


– 1 pumpkin or butternut squash, cut in half and seasoned with salt and pepper and oil
– 100g mixed seeds and nuts
– Handful raisins/cranberries
– 80g uncooked quinoa
– 1 large handful parsley, chopped


1. Roast the pumpkin or squash in an oven at 180C for roughly 20 minutes or until cooked.
2. In the meantime cook the quinoa and toast the nuts in a dry pan.
3. Add them to the raisins/cranberries, parsley and the cooked quinoa.
4. Once the pumpkin/squash has cooked then fill with the quinoa mix and and enjoy!

For more exclusive Jette Virdi videos for TheTaste check out TheTaste Foodie TV.


JetteJette Virdi is a Dublin-based food stylist and creative entrepreneur. With a portfolio including  clients such as Rozanna Purcell, Rachel Allen and Bord Bia, she’s  your girl if you need an evocative  image or event. Well known within the food industry, she consults with Irish brands to create and  style recipes, to design and  manage product launches and and hosts creative corporate workshops  that boost productivity and team performance in the workplace. For more information and to  contact Jette for a project go to

For more recipes visit her blog.

Jette Virdi Jette Virdi
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