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Valentine’s Breakfast Waffle Recipe by Chef Jeeny Maltese

Valentine’s Breakfast Waffle Recipe by Chef Jeeny Maltese

Valentine’s Breakfast Waffle Recipe. Nothing better than breakfast in bed to spoil someone! This easy recipe made with whole wheat flour and maple syrup, it is the perfect recipe to start the day with energy and a spring in your step!

(12 waffles)

2 eggs
375 ml any milk (1 1/2 cups)
3 tbsp maple syrup or honey
2 tbsp oil (melted butter is OK)
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp bread soda
Pinch sea salt
2 cups whole wheat flour

1. In a large mixing bowl, lightly beat eggs. Add milk, maple syrup, oil, vanilla, baking powder, bread soda and sea salt; whisk until well combined. Add whole wheat flour, folding it in until well mixed.
2. Preheat waffle maker and make waffles according to your waffle maker’s instructions. Amount of batter depends on the size of your waffle maker.
3. I have used about 1/3 cup batter per waffle. If your waffle maker is cast iron you might have to spray it with cooking spray to prevent waffles from sticking.
4. Cook until golden and crispy on both sides. Serve with your favourite toppings. I prefer mine with berries, toasted almond & coconut flakes and hot dark melted chocolate!

Valentine's Breakfast Waffle Recipe by Jeeny Maltese


Valentines Waffle RecipeJeeny Maltese, a Latin-American born TV chef & food writer. Featuring as celebrity chef on the RTEToday Show with Maura & Daithi” and  Virgin Media “The Six O’Clock Show”. Keynote speaker and guest chef at top festivals & events nationwide. Passionate about good eating & good food, making it accessible for everyone, through her cooking methods and philosophy. Enamoured with Ireland’s stunning land, quality food produce & its passionate people.

Jeeny Maltese Jeeny Maltese Jeeny Maltese
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