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Masterchefs Hospitality

The Best Possible Taste Podcast – Masterchefs Hospitality And More

In this week’s Best Possible Taste Podcast, Sharon Noonan chats to Pat O’Sullivan from Masterchefs Hospitality, one of Ireland’s leading corporate and events catering companies.

The pair chat in Pat’s latest brainchild, Copia Green, an innovative health driven, flavour focused eatery in Castletroy, Limerick.

Later in the programme, a trio of GMIT students share details about the different initiatives they are involved in, which include Feast and the Foodie Forum which takes place on 26 November 2018.

For more information about the Best Possible Taste Podcast with Sharon Noonan, visit

The Best Possible Taste is sponsored by , voted Ireland’s best online digital food and drink magazine.

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