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Purple Sweet Potato Mousse Tartlets Recipe by My Nutrition

Purple Sweet Potato Mousse Tartlets Recipe by My Nutrition

Purple sweet potatoes are a sweet potato variety with dark purple skin, and stunning purple flesh. They taste sweet, like any sweet potato, but at the same time their is a flavour like edible flowers. Purple sweet potato differs from other sweet potatoes in its texture, density and richer taste. It is an acquired taste, but I’m a lover of all kinds of sweet potatoes from a very young age, as they are very popular in the American continent.

Widely known for their health benefits and high nutrients, sweet potatoes are essential in many cultures like Asia, America and Africa. You can be lucky and find them in your specialty grocery store or your favourite fruit stores, but I promise that the effort will all be worth it when you see that exciting purple colour in your kitchen counter, let your creativity run wild. They are so versatile; from baking pies, creating highly nutritious sweet treats and snacks, or stunning looking soups, the uses of this special sweet potato will enrich your foodie culture and taste buds.

Nutritional Facts:

– Purple sweet potatoes are an excellent source of vitamin C and also provides fibre, vibrantly purple from their high amount of antioxidants – anthocyanins and beta-carotene.
– Additionally, they contain other nutrients like vitamin B complex, iron and phosphorus. This combination makes the sweet potato a super immune booster.
– Also with a low glycemic index, it breaks down slowly, releasing glucose gradually into the blood stream making it safe for diabetics.
– Rich in potassium, helping to regulate blood pressure. Contains Vitamin A, beneficial to eyesight, skin health and bones.
– Even though we don’t like using the term, the sweet potato, specifically the purple sweet potato has been given the title of super food by countless organizations. A single medium-sized sweet potato provides more than 200 percent of the daily requirement for vitamin A.

So, starting with this Purple Sweet Potato Mousse Tartlets recipe, have fun and be a little adventurous next time you are doing your shopping, you might find great little treasures with great health benefits.

10-12 Servings


– 2 cups cooked purple sweet potatoes
– ½ cup coconut cream, or full fat coconut milk
– 2-3 tbsp honey, or maple syrup
– 2 tbsp lemon juice
– ½ tsp nutmeg
– ½ tsp all-spice
– 1 tsp cinnamon
– 2 tsp vanilla extract
– Pinch Himalayan salt

– 1 ½ cup cold coconut cream
– 1-2 tsp honey
– 1 tsp vanilla extract

Tartlet base
– 1 cup almond flour, or oat flour
– ½ cup coconut flour
– 1 tsp baking powder
– 2-3 tbsp honey
– 1 egg white, or 4-5 tbsp. water
– 1 tsp vanilla extract
– 2-3 tbsp coconut oil, melted


1. To cook your purple sweet potatoes, simply boil, or steam, them whole with skins on for 20-30 minutes, or until soft. Peel them and set aside to cool.
2. Add all the ingredients for the mousse to a food processor, and blend them until smooth. Or, mash sweet potatoes and whip with the rest of ingredients until smooth. Pass through a sieve for a more refined texture.
3. Mix ingredients for the tartlet base in a bowl until combined. Then press it down onto small tartlets baking moulds, or a medium size tartlet baking pan.
4. Bake at 220C in a pre-heated oven, for 10-12 minutes, until the edges are lightly golden.
5. Whip your very cold coconut cream, together with honey and vanilla, until light and fluffy. Add the filling to the cooled tartlet bases, adding a bit of height for decoration purposes.
6. Using a piping bag (or using your favourite method to decorate a tartlet) pipe the purple sweet potato mousse over each tartlet. Have fun, and decorate to your own taste. They can be eaten at room temperature or cold. I hope you’ll create your own purple sweet potato masterpieces.


MyNutrition5My Nutrition Ireland is a Nutritional & Health Consultancy which was set up by Thomas  Coleman and his wife Jeeny Maltese in 2013. They understand the importance of Health and  how it impacts on people, their well-being and performance both in the workplace, at home  and in Sports Performance. It’s a marriage made in Heaven many would say.

Jeeny Maltese is a romantic, energetic girl from Venezuela and has a passion for Food, Health  & Beauty without sacrificing taste; an extremely talented cook described as a “Latin Nigella Lawson” by many. Tom Coleman – her husband is a Nutritionist with a background in Science and Health Promotion, with a life time passion in Health, Sports & Science.

Together they have combined their passion into an exciting business with a growing following. Our aim is to spread the word that Healthy Eating with us is easy, quick, inexpensive, practical and sexy! Gorgeous food doesn’t have to be complicated and hard to reach.

My Nutrition
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