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Nduja Stuffed Arancini Balls bored of lunch nathan anthony

‘Nduja Stuffed Arancini Balls Recipe by Nathan Anthony – Bored of Lunch

I can never resist arancini if I see them on a menu, and they’re even better if they’re made with ’nduja or chorizo. You can either use leftover rice for these or cook some fresh, but if you do this, I find it’s better to cook it the night before, as it sticks together better the next day – just simmer the rice in chicken stock, drain and cool completely before popping in the fridge overnight. Here’s this delicious ‘Nduja Stuffed Arancini Balls recipe.

140 cals each

Makes 16


  • 400g cooked risotto rice, such as arborio
  • 3 eggs
  • 3 tbsp light butter, melted
  • 2 tbsp grated Parmesan
  • 100g grated mozzarella (I use light or reduced-fat mozzarella but just use whatever you can find.)
  • 135g Panko breadcrumbs 1 tbsp Italian seasoning 200g ’nduja or cooked chorizo
  • Low-calorie oil spray
  • Salt and pepper, to taste


  1. Take the rice out of the fridge and allow to come to room temperature.
  2. Beat 2 of the eggs in a large bowl, add the melted butter, Parmesan and most of the mozzarella and season to taste.
  3. Combine the breadcrumbs and Italian seasoning in another bowl.
  4. Take a tablespoon of the rice mixture and press it together into a ball, then flatten the ball and put a piece of ’nduja or chorizo in the middle along with some of the egg and mozzarella mix. Enclose the filling with the rice and roll it into a ball. You might need to wet your hands for this.
  5. Beat the remaining egg in a bowl and dip in the rice ball, then roll it in the breadcrumbs to coat. Repeat with the remaining mixture.
  6. Spray the rice balls well with a low-calorie spray and cook in an air fryer preheated to 190°C for 8 minutes.

Nduja Stuffed Arancini Balls
‘Nduja Stuffed Arancini BallsExtracted from Bored of Lunch: The Healthy Air Fryer Book
by Nathan Anthony (Ebury Press, £18.99) Photography by Clare Wilkinson

Nathan Anthony Bored of Lunch

Bored of Lunch: The Healthy Air Fryer Book

Nathan Anthony is the no.1 bestselling author and creator of hit food platform Bored of Lunch. Nathan is a Northern Irish home cook who set up his food blog during lockdown to get people cooking, eating healthier and give them something to focus on during the pandemic. By day Nathan works at a FTSE100 company so cooks in a way to suit his hectic schedule. Initially aimed at busy professionals this quickly expanded to all those working from home, busy parents and those who want quick, calorie-controlled recipes. Bored of Lunch now has 2.4 million followers across all platforms.

‘Nduja Stuffed Arancini Balls Recipe by Nathan Anthony – Bored of Lunch

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