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New Bill on Brewery Tourism Praised by the Irish Brewers Association

New Bill on Brewery Tourism Praised by the Irish Brewers Association

Last Thursday night, The Irish Brewers Association (IBA) praised the Breweries and Distilleries Bill, put down by the Labour Party and introduced in November 2016 by TD Allan Kelly.

This bill has the potential of significantly reducing the barriers for craft breweries as well as cider makers and distillers as it would enable them to sell their products on their own premises, which is currently not allowed under the existing legislation.

Seamus O’Hara, Chairman of the IBA, said: “We’re delighted to see any move that removes barriers to growth and supports an industry that’s growing and sustaining jobs up and down the country.”

He added that “Ireland’s craft brewers have worked closely with the Labour party and our sectoral allies to promote the potential this bill could have” and he hopes that the move will promote healthy competition and growth among craft brewers as well as offering a boost for rural Ireland.

The bill was also welcomed by the Irish Spirits Association. Miriam Mooney, head of the association pointed out that the Irish drinks industry continues to growth despite uncertainty and all across Ireland, drinks related tourism is only getting bigger. This bill, she reckons, will allow artisan producers to sell their products on their own premises, enhancing their attractive for visitors and tourists.

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