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Hot Chocolate Pancakes Recipe by Chef Jeeny Maltese

Hot Chocolate Pancakes Recipe by Chef Jeeny Maltese

Hot Chocolate Pancakes Recipe by Chef Jeeny Maltese. Every week I seem to go back to one of my favourite breakfast or brunch recipes, pancakes! Always experimenting with new recipes and flavours, but one of all time favourites for everyone around my kitchen, seems to be anything with chocolate, the hot chocolate inspiration, makes this recipe a perfect indulgent treat, to start your day with a smile on your face.

Wet Ingredients:
1 cup yogurt
2 eggs
1/2 cup any milk
2 Tbsp Maple syrup
2 tsp vanilla
2 Tbsp. cocoa powder

Dry ingredients:
1 1/2 cup porridge/oat flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp bread soda
Pinch of sea salt

1. Mix wet ingredients well in a bowl, yogurt, eggs, milk, maple syrup and vanilla.
2. Add the dry ingredients, oat flour, cocoa powder, baking powder and bread soda, mix well, set aside. (The batter should be thick, add more oat/porridge flour if it’s too wet).
3. Heat up a frying pan or crepe pan, low to medium heat. Add a tiny amount of oil in a kitchen paper towel and coat the pan, before cooking the pancakes.
4. Spread batter gently into pancakes, cook nice and slow, as it is a dense batter.
5. Serve hot with maple syrup, yogurt, berries and hot melted dark chocolate. Enjoy!
*To make porridge/oat flour just blend dry porridge in a food processor until very fine.

Hot Chocolate Pancakes Recipe by Chef Jeeny Maltese


Valentines Waffle RecipeJeeny Maltese, a Latin-American born TV chef & food writer. Featuring as celebrity chef on the RTEToday Show with Maura & Daithi” and  Virgin Media “The Six O’Clock Show”. Keynote speaker and guest chef at top festivals & events nationwide. Passionate about good eating & good food, making it accessible for everyone, through her cooking methods and philosophy. Enamoured with Ireland’s stunning land, quality food produce & its passionate people.

Jeeny Maltese Jeeny Maltese Jeeny Maltese
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