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Baked Plums Recipe

Kale Sauce and Salad with Baked Plums Recipe from a Matter of Nourishment

A simple and easy to make salad characterised by a few sweet plums and some tasty camembert – perfect match with a slightly bitter kale sauce and a slice of toasted sourdough bread.

A good way to celebrate plums’ season and ease the transition into a new season that is just around the corner.

For the salad
– 3 handfuls of green salad leaves (you can pick your favourite kind)
– 20 g camembert
– 3 plums
– 3/4 tsp ghee (measured solid)
– 2 tsp lemon juice
– A pinch of black pepper
– Toasted sourdough bread

For the sauce
– 30g pumpkin seeds
– 3 large leaves of kale
– 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
– 2 tbsp water
– a small pinch of salt

For the sauce
1. Toast the pumpkin seeds in a pre-heated oven at 150°C for a few minutes, just until they start to turn golden. Wait until they are cold to add them in the blender, with the water, the salt, and a small part of the kale (large stems removed): it’s better to add the kale in small portions – blend for a few minutes, pausing from time to time and scraping the walls.

2. When your ingredients will be finely chopped, start adding the olive oil (you can add a little bit more of water if needed). If you don’t use the sauce straight away, you can store it in the fridge in a closed jar for a couple of days with a thin layer of olive oil on top (just to keep the top covered with oil).

For the plums
1. Bake the plums in a pre-heated oven at 180°C for approx. 7-8 minutes with a little bit of ghee on top (divide the 3/4 of tsp over the 3 halved plums) – wait until the juice starts to come out, then leave the plums to cool down before adding them to the salad.

2. Put together your salad with all the ingredients – serve with the sauce on a side and some toasted sourdough bread.

Baked Plums Recipe


Baked Plums Recipe Chiara applies the same approach that she has in her everyday life, to her business “A Matter of Nourishment”: having a healthier lifestyle and being aware of what you eat can easily be part of your days, and can be a true celebration of great tasty food – freedom, joy, and confidence to choose what is best for you… this is what a healthy lifestyle should be about!

She has a background in chemistry, nutrition, and massage, but she also had the chance to collaborate for a few years with a photographer, she learned to cook from scratch experimenting in her kitchen and she practices yoga.

After a few years working in research, she decided to turn her passions and studies into one unique project to help others in changing their relationship with food from the roots.

Chiara teaches her clients how to improve their daily life with a few simple steps, become more intuitive eaters, be more aware around food, and understand that by changing their diet they can truly change their lives.

A Matter of Nourishment A Matter of Nourishment A Matter of Nourishment
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