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Neil Mulholland chef house dublin

A Chat with Neil Mulholland, the Head Chef at House Dublin

Located minutes from Stephens Green, House Dublin is the perfect location for a catch-up with friends over dinner and drinks – their stylish location makes a great setting for any occasion and their urban garden-style conservatory is delightful for a light and airy brunch. We had a chat with the man behind the tasty food at House Dublin, head chef Neil Mulholland.

What do you love most about your restaurant?

I get to work with the best team! It is also without question one the best venues in Dublin. Offering full dining experience, live music, entertainment, and of course late-night dancing. 

Restaurant you will never get sick of visiting?

Love Duck on Fade Street 

Favourite travel destination for food and tell us why?

Japan – Osaka blew me away. Everywhere you eat is top class. Went to a restaurant that specialises in Matsusaka Beef, the most expensive beef in the world! It was honestly the most amazing thing I have ever eaten.

Neil Mulholland chef house dublin

The worst thing you’ve ever eaten?

Baked Beans from a tin! 

Best way to cut down on food shopping costs?

Make a list of meals and try prep as much as possible for the week ahead. This will save time and cut down costs, reusing ingredients with zero waste. 

What do you cook when you don’t feel like cooking?

Buy Nigel Slatters book – 3 or 4 ingredients for each meal, very delicious yet simple recipes. 

Why do you love working in the Irish food industry?

Over time it became more welcoming and encouraging environment

Neil Mulholland chef house dublin

Favourite cookbook and why?

Christmas – Nigel Slatter’s cookbook

What’s one ingredient you put in everything?

Butter Butter Butter! 

What’s one ingredient you cannot stand?

Can’t stand using heavily processed foods, or margarine!

Which 4 people (living or dead) would you like to make dinner for?

Stanley Tucchi, Oscar Wilde, Dr. Noel Brown, my Mammy

Go-to drink order?

Cold pint of Guinness

Neil Mulholland chef house dublin

Where’s your local?

The Royal Oak Kilmainham, Dublin 8

Cooking weakness?

Time is my enemy. As a chef you are always working to a deadline, a limited amount of time for prep, orders, staff issues etc. You always need more time. 

Who has influenced your cooking the most?

Jim Corbet, Tullamore – he was my mentor. In college, I had a very exuberant teacher, took me under his wing, organised events for me at the weekend, encouraged me, kept me focused, showed me the business side of cooking. I was thrown straight into the deep end running these events. Also, French Chef – Laurentt Glogen. Worked with him when I was 20 years old, he taught me how to really cook. 

Irish chef you admire most?

 Ciaran Glennon Patrick Guib – very hard working, never stops – he’s a machine.

Best piece of advice you’ve received?

Do as many courses as you can, always keep learning. Expand your trade. The chef game is a craft and it’s a game of knowledge, you need to keep feeding your craft.

Worst kitchen experience?

Every chef has a million of these stories, the kitchen is a very lonely place to be. Covid was very tough for the entire industry. 

Neil Mulholland chef house dublin

Favourite cuisine to cook?

Vegan / Vegetarian. There used to be a poor offering for vegetarians and vegans, all you got was a mushroom risotto. I am really excited to work with new products available on the market. We work with Redefine Meat, it is fantastic, check it out.

Favourite cuisine to eat?

Spanish food. I go to Spain all the time, love it!

Hangover/takeaway order?

Leo Burdock Chipper, every time.

Favourite Irish producer/ingredients?

Hereford Prime Beef, consistently good. We use it in House and across the Nola Clan group. Michael Cleary runs the show and has developed the product to be outstanding. 

Go-to breakfast?

Double Espresso and Sourdough from Michael Roth Bakery. Again, we use Michael for all our breads, his bakery is Kosher. 

A skill you’re working on mastering?

Photography – completed a course in Dublin photography.

Sweet or savoury? 

Massive Sweet Tooth, you can see this with our newly launched dessert menu in House! Offering really fresh summer fruits directly sourced from Italy. 

Neil Mulholland chef house dublin
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