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Sweet Scones Recipe

Sweet Scones Recipe by Rachel Allen

Rachels Sweet Scones Recipe from Recipes from My Mother is perfect for an afternoon tea treat. Topped with a crunchy glaze, they are delicious!

Sweet Scones Recipe

Makes 8-10


450g plain flour, plus extra for dusting
Pinch of sea salt
2 tsp baking powder
25g caster sugar
75g butter, softened
2 eggs
200ml milk

Crunchy glaze (optional but oh-so-good)
1 small egg, beaten (if there is no liquid left from the scones)
A few tbsp granulated sugar

To Serve
Butter, jam, whipped cream or clotted cream


1. First preheat the oven to 230oC/ 450oF/Gas mark 8.
2. Lightly flour a baking sheet. Sift the flour, salt and baking powder into a large bowl, add the sugar and mix. Rub in the butter and make a well in the centre.
3. In another bowl, whisk the eggs with the milk.
4. Pour all but 50ml of this liquid into the dry ingredients and using one hand, outstretched like a claw, going in large circles around the inside of the bowl, mix to a soft dough, adding more of the liquid, if necessary.
5. Turn out onto a floured work surface and gently turn it over to show what will probably be the smoother side. Be careful not to knead the mixture or the scones will be tough.
6. Dust with flour and gently roll out until it is 2.5cm (1in) thick. Cut with a knife or into rounds using a 7cm ( cutter into scones.
7. If you opt for a crunchy glaze, put the granulated sugar in a shallow bowl or saucer.
8. Brush the beaten egg over the tops of the scones, or use the remaining beaten eggs and milk, and dip, egg side down, into the sugar.
9. Place the sugared scones on the prepared baking sheet, slightly spaced apart from each other, and bake in the centre of the preheated oven for 12–15 minutes, depending on their size, until a rich gold on top. They should feel light, and sound hollow when you tap them on their bases when baked.
10. Cool on a wire rack, then split in two and spread with butter and jam, or jam and cream. These are completely divine when served still a little warm, fresh out of the oven.

Rachel Allen Recipes from My Mother is full of warmth and nostalgia, Rachel shares culinary inspiration passed down through the generations. She uses gorgeous ingredients that are used in abundance to create comforting, vibrant meals. Rachels love of food started when she was very young, sitting in the kitchen with her mother, helping and tasting. Here she celebrates the food memories of her childhood, alongside those of friends and other members of her family.

Recipe from My Mother is available to purchase from

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