Foods and Wines from Spain, on behalf of ICEX Spain Trade and Investment, is pleased to announce the 9th call for applications for the Scholarship-Training Program in Spanish Gastronomy, which is open to young foreign students and/or chefs and lasts 5 months (from June to November 2016). There will be twelve spots open this year for this prestigious Spanish gastronomy program that began in 2007 and has already trained approximately 100 international chefs and serves as a reference point for Spanish culinary creativity and state of the art techniques.
This is a very complete educational program with a high practical content. In each of the last three years an Irish student from Galway Institute of Technology has been selected alongside 11 young foreign chefs from different countries and he won the 3rd prize in the 7th International Tapas Competition.
For full programme description click here.
Eligigible candistadates should fill out the following forms, candidate details and School/Restaurant reference.