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Dublin Chinese New Year Festival

Join Monkeys, Dragons and Lions as the Dublin Chinese New Year Festival Lights up the City

Lord Mayor Críona Ní Dhálaigh today launched one of the most colourful and creative festivals in Dublin’s calendar, the Dublin Chinese New Year Festival, as it gets ready to return on the 6th February. For two weeks Dublin will transform into a city of carnivals, culture, celebration and Chinese dragons as the Chinese welcome the Year of the Monkey.

The ninth year of this vibrant festival will be bigger than ever and will run from the February 6th – 21st. The Dublin Chinese New Year Festival programme is a showcase of the very best of Chinese culture in Dublin with some performers even flying all the way from China to give Dubliners a real of taste of Chinese traditions.

Kicking off the festival on the 6th & 7th February will be the Spring Festival Carnival Experience in The chq Building, Custom House Quay, expect two days of Chinese traditions and celebrations from fireworks to lantern making and tea tasting to cookery demonstrations all brought to life against a backdrop of Chinese dragons and lions and even a visit from the Chinese Monkey King.

Many Irish people, when they think of China, think of food. Chinese culinary delights have become a big part of the Western world and Dubliners will have the chance to experience the best of Chinese cuisine from dumplings to wontons. During the Spring Festival Asia Markets, Ireland’s premium Asian supermarket will be on hand to give you a taste of China with cookery demos and food stalls all weekend.

For those that want to find the very best in authentic Chinese food in Dublin’s Chinatown, the Le Cool Chinese Experience Walking Tour will lead you through the vibrant Chinese community in Dublin and help discover the impact the community has made on the face of Dublin. Lovers of Chinese food, too intimated by the exotic ingredients or confusing labels should book their place for A Bite of China with Asia Market. On this specially guided tour of the Asia Market guests will learn all about all the ingredients used to prepare and cook an authentic Chinese meal. For a more hands on experience of Chinese cooking Soder+Ko’s chef Kwanghi Chan will be on hand showing how to create a Chinese meal from scratch with cookery demo in Cooks Academy.

Commenting on this year’s festival Lord Mayor of Dublin Críona Ní Dhálaigh said: “For its ninth year Dublin City Council will once again host the Chinese New Year Festival. The festival showcases and highlights the very best of the Chinese community in Dublin and how it has helped Dublin become the buzzing and lively cultural city it is today. From food to business the festival offers Dubliners the chance to discover, experience and celebrate the magnificent traditions of Chinese culture in or city. I would like to thank Dublin City Council for their continued support of the festival and look forward to the city enjoying the celebrations together as we enter the Year of the Monkey!

Dublin Chinese New Year Festival is the perfect opportunity for Dubliners to explore this fascinating culture and discover more about the Chinese influences on Dublin life. From ribbon dancing to Chinese lanterns there is a whole host of Chinese culture to breathe in this February.

To book tickets and to view the full programme of events for the Dublin Chinese New Year Festival 2016 is available on

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