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Brussel Sprouts by Johan Van der Merwe

Crispy Fried Brussels Sprouts with Capers, Chilli, Parmesan & Orange Recipe by Johan van der Merwe

This recipe elevates the much maligned brussels sprouts to a superstar side at your Christmas dinner table. By frying brussels sprouts until crisp and scattering with capers, chilli flakes, parmesan and orange no one around the table will pass on a serving of sprouts this year.


– 500g brussels sprouts
– 2 dessert spoon capers
Pinch chilli flakes
– 10g grated parmesan cheese
– Juice of half an orange and zest
Oil for frying


1. Trim the stems of the brussels sprouts and cut them in half.
2. Fill a deep, heavy based pot with oil, about 5 cm deep, and heat to medium hot.
3. Using a slotted spoon carefully lower half the sprouts into the hot oil.
4. Fry for about 20 seconds before removing with your slotted spoon and drying them on kitchen paper. Fry the other half of the sprouts and drain.
5. Sprinkle over the capers, chilli flakes, parmesan and orange. Serve hot as a side or snack.


Johan van der Merwe Johan’s passion for food has taken him from South Africa to the culinary capital of  London, via the abundance of Canada’s Pacific North West and the dynamic food  culture of Ireland, now his home. During his career he has honed his culinary skills  in famous restaurants such as Michel Roux’s The Waterside Inn, London’s The Ivy  and Cork’s Cafe Paradiso. As a food stylist he brings these skills to every  assignment; be it interpreting the visual identity of new-to-market brands, or  injecting freshness into the approach to long-established products. He also has  worked with Rachel Allen on her BBC television series Home Cooking, and assisted  award-winning chef Denis Cotter on magazine shoots and television programs. He  enjoys the challenge of delivering in these diverse working environments. Whether  it is a person or a product, his approach in each circumstance is different, but his  role is the same – to let the talent shine. For more information visit, or follow Johan on Twitter.

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